Resin is a kind of orthodontic material that are used to restore a damaged part of a tooth.

There are so many colors in resin similar to those of real teeth that once it is used for restoration, it looks almost like the original tooth color, which entitles it to be a branch of excellent esthetic care.

Resin treatment is applied to the following cases :

* When the root of a tooth is cut off with abrasion or erosion
* Tooth decay between front teeth (incisors)
* Spacing between teeth (diastema)
* Partial fracture of a tooth

Resin treatment has some strong points. Most of all, the treatment is simple as it doesn't need any reduction of a tooth and it is adhesive to the original tooth well enough.

In addition, not only is it esthetic owing to its similarity in color with real tooth but is also cost effective as it is cheaper than any other prosthetic treatment.

It lasts about 7 to 10 years with ordinary maintenance like regular brushing.

It is also easily repairable when discoloration or damage to the appliance occurs.


